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Visual Risk Intelligence Features

Visual Risk Intelligence is the solution that helps organizations continuously track identify, avoid or manage the impact and duration of risk incidents.

Users can search and view all types of Events with their Severity, Impact Locations, Nearby Assets, Threats, Risks, and Weather Updates.


Step by step process on “How to view a map” in Zsuite, Quick and Easy with this video.

Click on the icon to view different map views created in the Portal Setting.


Click on the Layers to check the forecasts on various weather and natural disasters like high temperature, snow, lightning, storm, tropical cyclones, wildfires, etc.,


Click on the Directions to search the route map from “Start Point” to “Destination” for Locations / Contacts / Assets. 


Users can refer to the previous direction search history.


Users can Search Contacts and Assets Locations


Search Location:

Users can search for any location like City, State, Country, Region, etc.,

Day / Night

Users can remove the Day and Night Zones for a clear view.

Critical Events: 

Click on the Critical Events icon to check on various event categories using the horizontal scroll bar below like Weather, Fire, Biological Origin, Critical Infrastructure, Ecological Disaster, Explosion, Geological Hydrological, Industrial, Nuclear Accident, Traffic Incident, Others, and Travel Advisory.

Click on Show All Toggle button to view all the Critical Events 


Click on Severity Level Low, Medium, and High to check on specific event intensity.

Click on the “Know More” in the Event Popup to check the full details of the event.

Click on the Green / Yellow / Red Circles or Dots to check Travel Advisory.

Threats and Assets Summary:

Users can see the Threats and Assets Summary Dashboard for a week or month. 


Click on the required Assets checkboxes Contacts / Facilities / Equipment / Supply Chain. 

Step by step process on “How to filter assets in VRI” in Zsuite, Quick and Easy with this video.


Click on Threats to check Threats around any of the created Assets. Clicking on more options, User can Launch Incident, Launch Notification, Pin, Acknowledge, and Ignore.

Launch Incident:  

Click on  Launch Incident, User can select incidents in the dropdown and the user can also create a new incident template by clicking on Create New Incident Template.

Select Incident from the dropdown and fill in the details of Fields and Timezone and click on the “Launch “button.

Click on Create New Incident Template to create a New Incident and then click on the “Submit” button. Any newly created Templates to be Approved for launch.

Launch Notification: 

Click on Launch Notification, Select Notification from the dropdown or create a New Notification by clicking on Create New Notification Template.

Click on Create New Notification Template and fill in the details and click on “Submit”, after that launch the template.

Acknowledge: Click on Acknowledge, and it displays “Acknowledged By” details.

Ignore: Click on Ignore if the Threat is insignificant or low.

Pin: The user can pin and track the Incidents to refer in future in the “Pinned “ tab and unpin if not needed.


Click on Risk categories like Crime, Weather, Natural Disaster, Fire, Infectious Disease, Terrorism, Civil Unrest, etc., to populate the respective Risk details on the map. 

Note: Launched notifications and incidents can be checked via the Incident / Notification Zones under the All Zones option appearing below the map.

This completes the overall features of Visual Risk Intelligence (VRI). 
